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AI consultation yet to find 'silver bullet' to discern high-risk applications, Vestager says

( June 30, 2020, 13:35 GMT | Official Statement) -- MLex Summary: The EU's competition commissioner said in a speech today that nearly 1,200 people or organizations have responded to a consultation on future rules to assess the risks of artificial-intelligence technology, which includes facial-recognition tools and machine-learning applications. Margrethe Vestager said it’s not easy to define which AI systems are high-risk and which aren’t. “For some areas it may be obvious — for example, when AI might be used for mass surveillance purposes. For other areas, this is more difficult,” she said. Vestager said that most contributors agreed that the European Commission should focus its attention on high-risk applications. Few contributors were convinced that the commission had “already found the silver bullet that allows us to distinguish between high- and low-risk applications.”The coronavirus has certainly disrupted a lot of plans this year. If 2020 had been an ordinary year, we would likely have been meeting today. It is nevertheless a pleasure to speak to you about artificial intelligence today, at the very end of the Croatian Presidency. The last few months have certainly been the most unusual, the most unsettling environment in which a Council Presidency ever had to operate. So I am glad that you found a way for this conference to go ahead....

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