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Celgene files reply in support of injunction against Nimbus Therapeutics regarding psoriasis drug

( October 5, 2021, 22:31 GMT | Official Statement) -- MLex Summary: Celgene told a US judge that without an injunction against Nimbus Therapeutics it will suffer irreparable harm because the right to assign a Tyrosine-Kinase 2 inhibitor product that is five years away from being market ready will be difficult to value and Nimbus may argue that the attendant damages should be severely limited. “Indeed, it is for these reasons that in the Warrant the parties expressly agreed that irreparable harm will occur if the parties do not honor the terms of the Warrant. Nimbus should not be able to evade its obligations by claiming the Warrant’s deadlines are continuing to run or by selling or encumbering the asset before a judgment is issued,” it said in a reply brief in support of a preliminary injunction....

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